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  1. about 3 hours ago on Ted Rall

    So then, yes – you talk big; yes – you cannot support your claim; yes – you respond with another childish insult. Well, it looks like the only play left in your limited repertoire is to delete your comments and run away. Of course, there’s aways room for another of your well-worn insults. You used “pee” in this last one. Will “poo” be in the next?

  2. about 19 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    Ahh…well, I wrote, “elements on both sides just want to destroy each other”. Words have meaning and you seem to have overlooked a very important one. So, unless you are arguing that no one or no group in the government or in a political movement wants to destroy the Palestinians, then you have misinterpreted what I wrote. Inherent flaws come from using words like “all”. Or perhaps you oppose the word “destroy”? How about I replace with the phrase “don’t care how many people get killed”? That is a much more precise way to express my thoughts. But you raise a question that I haven’t considered, and that is How many Israelis believe there will never be peace as long as the Palestinians remain in Gaza? Otherwise, your judgment of me based on so little is an inherent flaw. Furthermore, if such things as having a Jewish best friend indicate perspective, does having two sisters who converted to Judaism and all the in-laws their marriages brought top a best friend?

  3. about 20 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Ah, the “10%”. I predicted that would be a popular come expression. However, it really has nothing to do with this issue and once again, your desperation combined with your extremely limited abilities has you grasping. But just for fun, do you have any support for that claim, or did the people who think for you not include that?

  4. about 20 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    Well, let me respond by saying my post had nothing to do with that, but once again, a highly charged situation seems to have evoked a reaction rather than a response. For example, I can’t imagine what having a Jewish boy as your best friend or any of your other past experiences have to do with this. My entire argument is how comics about this issue portray both Biden and the protestors in diametrically opposed ways. Let me simplify. Comic A depicts me kicking a dog because I hate dogs, while comic B has me petting a dog because I love dogs. Obviously, both can’t be true. So, the question is why the editorial process does this. Moreover, when comic A and comic B go to extremes, then there is something seriously wrong with the process. Therefore, both A and B are probably wrong.

  5. about 20 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Public self-deprecation. We can hammer out the terms and odds, but basically it will require to make a public statement in the comments section.

  6. about 22 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    You have grossly misinterpreted what I wrote. Due to the highly emotional aspect of this issue, it’s easy for that to happen. I am not the artist; I did not depict the protestors as cockroaches, nor does my comment refer in any way to that aspect of the comic. I wrote, “In this comic, we see the protestors as spoiled dilatants”. Your coy reference to Hitler is duly noted. However, I have not called for anything, nor have I offered support for either side. That aspect of the issue was not addressed. In these highly charged times, it is important that we focus on what is actually written or said in order to prevent unnecessary static.

  7. about 22 hours ago on Ted Rall

    That’s correct and Hunter should be sued for child support. Furthermore, it is Hunter’s responsibility to establish the child’s relationship inside the family. Now, it could be argued that Biden doesn’t have your gentle and accepting heart, not does he deport himself in your kindly manner, but it has nothing to do with my argument other than provide another example of how Biden is not bailing out his son. Take your time. There are plenty of irrelevant straws for you to grasp before the insult parade starts.

  8. about 23 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Well, I don’t have the power to see in his heart as you do, but your statement agrees that “Biden kept a hands-off approach for years” and reinforces my point that he’s not going to intervene. Furthermore, you provide a perfect example of “For the sake of partisanship, we could attach some venal motivation for Biden”. You try so hard, and you usually fail spectacularly. Is it time now for a few insults before you delete your comments in embarrassment again?

  9. about 24 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Wow, I’d like to see that. Can you hear them singing from where you are or is there a video?

  10. 1 day ago on Mike Beckom

    In reality, the Palestinian situation is a tragedy that has long since devolved into a blood feud. It’s been going on all my life and now, and elements on both sides just want to destroy each other. As expected, it has become a highly charged partisan issue that has produced the most contradictory comics I can recall. Biden is simultaneously depicted as hating Israel and supporting the Palestinians and joining with Netanyahu causing mass destruction of the Palestinians. In this comic, we see the protestors as spoiled dilatants, while only last week they were a dangerous mob intent on violence and leaving a wake of destruction. Here’s the point, when you are presented with such diametrically opposed view of the same thing, you can be confident that both are wrong.