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  1. 2 days ago on Matt Davies

    Project 2025 shows that they see trump as a mascot not a leader.

  2. 2 days ago on Matt Davies

    It’s hard to get a lot of nuance out of a 1-panel cartoon, but the perception of the economy (fueled by rw news) is being an anchor

  3. 2 days ago on Matt Davies

    A lot of the reaction today is coordinated propagandizing. All this “record inflation” – it was much higher for an entire decade in the 1970s.

    It drives me nuts when trumpers say “Gas was $1.70 a gallon under trump” and leave out the context that it was cheap because he bungled the pandemic response and the economy was in the crapper.

  4. 4 days ago on Nick Anderson

    I read a post on Quora last week where a right-wing teacher was blaming the unions and “liberal teacher indoctrination” for dumbing kids down and lowering standards.

    My first thought was the “lowering standards” (and cheating) I remember as an outgrowth of W’s No Child Left Behind. They started conditioning federal money to schools on aggregate standardized test scores and that got a lot of schools dropping kids and scores that lowered their average, teaching to the test, cheating on the test, etc.

    “Common Core” was also an outgrowth of No Child Left Behind, and a collection of states came up with it, not the feds.

    I honestly don’t know what the answer is to improve education across the board, but the gop answer is clearly “Kill the public school system” and “Send our kids to our indoctrination camps” and “Screw that kid; he isn’t mine.”

  5. 4 days ago on Nick Anderson

    That’s been a gop goal, nationwide for decades

  6. 4 days ago on Nick Anderson

    I was going to say… Cohen went to jail for lying on trump’s behalf. That had been his job for decades.

    But trump considers loyalty a one-way street and he let Cohen stew in prison

  7. 5 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    From what I’ve read, the death of Boeing is because of the coup of the bean counters from McDonnell Douglas when Boeing bought them.

  8. 8 days ago on Matt Davies

    Sadly much smarter than Marmalade Mussolini

  9. 9 days ago on Matt Davies

    There already is a measles outbreak there

  10. 9 days ago on Matt Davies

    As my wife pointed out, we have some capacity to re-wire around the bad parts – otherwise stroke patients would never get better