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  1. over 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Sorry, was using the information the textbooks had on the subject. I’m sure you know way more about it. I really don’t understand your point.

    Are you trying to tell me you would have been fine with having sex with a 50 year-old man 1-2 years prior to that date?

  2. over 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Girls finish puberty at age 15-17. It doesn’t start until age 10. He was married to her when she was 6-7. If he was capable of waiting 3 years until she was 10, he was capable of waiting until she had at least finished puberty. The only reason to consummate the marriage that young, is if he was attracted to young girls. Which is sick, by any standard, past or present.

  3. over 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    I honestly would prefer there were no strip joints anywhere. They are demeaning to women, and they allow men a venue to be perverts. Does the law say you can’t build strip joints? No, in most states they are legal. So while I would not like a strip joint near ground zero, or anywhere else, it doesn’t matter. It will be built if it’s legal.

    It’s the same for the mosque. Islam was used as the justification for one of the most awful acts of terrorism that ever happened in this country. Now Islam wants to build a place of worship close to the place where that act occurred. Do I want it built there? No. Is it illegal for them to do so? No. Could they pick a less divisive location for their mosque? Yes. Are they going to, and show how tolerant and respectful they are? No, they are going to go ahead and build it anyway. Which is why I respect Islam less.

  4. over 13 years ago on Lisa Benson

    I have found something equal, but you just don’t like fact. Both actions willfully ignore the fact that such actions are offensive to a large number of people. Mrs. Benson’s cartoon is actually quite logical.

    It’s a mosque. Even the proponents of the project state that it is a mosque. Just because you would prefer they didn’t call it that, doesn’t change that fact. Your analogy makes no sense.

    I don’t care if it’s two or four, the fact is that it’s two, and you said four. The only reason for stating false information is that you feel there is something wrong with saying two. Why? Probably for the same reason the majority of Americans have a problem with it being two blocks away.

    I doubt I would be spiritually “refreshed” going to the Cordoba House. Somehow I doubt I would find it “refreshing” to find that the founder of Islam had sex with a 10 year-old girl. I don’t know, maybe you are into that sort of thing. The fact is, clearly a lot of people are not happy with the location they chose. If they were truly interested in portraying Islam as a tolerant religion, they would respect the opinions of the majority, and move it elsewhere.

    I’m not saying any building has to have the approval of the majority of Americans. That’s actually the whole point of this cartoon that you clearly missed. They have every right to build that building. Should they? I don’t think they should, and the majority of Americans agree with me, but that won’t stop them, and I’ll think even less of Islam as a result.

  5. over 13 years ago on Lisa Benson


    The “cultural center” will include a mosque, so calling it a cultural center is just a twisting of words. And it’s two blocks. Oh, and while many people of different faiths were killed, it was committed by those professing one faith in particular. The faith that is now being intolerant to anyone else about the location of their new mosque.

    Answer me this: If 66% of all Americans have a problem with where you are locating a place of worship, do you think you might do more for your religions image if you locate it elsewhere, rather than thumb your nose at them?

    Let’s face it, both of these acts are stupid.

  6. almost 14 years ago on Lisa Benson

    As far as the media bias goes, check out this website: http://www.mrc.org/public/default.aspx Even if you don’t want to accept that, look at it from a common sense point of view. Before Fox News came out, you had many of the other news networks previously mentioned. Then, suddenly, this right-biased network just shoots through the roof in ratings. Why? Because finally, all the conservatives had a news channel they could watch and agree with, filling a void that previously existed.

    I like how you say “THEY DO NOT”, as if you know for certain. Please provide evidence. This article makes some interesting comparisons, but doesn’t say that illegal immigrants ARE responsible for higher crime rates or not. http://www.usillegalaliens.com/impactsofillegalimmigration_crime.html (there are underscores in between “of”, “illegal”, “immigration” and “crime”.)

    As for the increased social services, I believe we can all agree that the closer you are to the poverty level, the less taxes you pay, and the more benefits you receive. This article shows how drastically higher the near poverty and poverty levels are for illegal immigrants. http://www.cis.org/articles/2001/mexico/poverty.html

    Please, don’t make unsupported claims, unless you let everyone know its your opinion.

  7. almost 14 years ago on Lisa Benson

    No senorbullwinkle, everyone knows Keith Olberman is unreliable. You’re really one of the few that doesn’t get this. But hey, keep insulting Fox News, because even though I’ve never said that they were anymore reliable than Olberman, obviously I must be a slave to that network.

    I’m done debating with you. When you actually come up with evidence, and thought-out rebuttals, we can continue.

  8. almost 14 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Aw shucks, my computer is made by fisher price AND I’m using dial-up. I guess I’m royally screwed.

    Somehow I managed to get it to work, and I see in the video Keith Olberman talking to Eugene Robinson, (clearly part of the right-wing media), and Eugene says hes no statistician, but it seems unlikely that all eight would be black. Damning proof, for sure.

    Some of these lawmakers under investigation include, Jesse Jackson, Jr., for possible involvement in the Blagojevich scandal, who is also being investigated by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald; and Gregory Meeks, who is also being investigated by the New York State Attorney General’s office.

    Other interesting news, is that 3 of these black congressman were investigated by the OCE for the same offense, for which the punishment is minor, and two other white representatives had their names submitted for investigation the same day all these others were. And 2 of these black congressman are being investigated by other government departments. Do some research before you make wild and ridiculous accusations. Keith Olberman is not a reliable source.

  9. almost 14 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Brian Crook said: “in 2010, the Democrats are cleaning house, even when the scandals involved Democrats.”

    senorbullwinkle said: “RACIST ? WELL, JUST A LITTLE, MAYBE; 8 investigations, all black”

    So the Democrats are racist now? Usually that term is just used by Journolists to smear anyone who disagrees with them, so I’m just trying to understand this.

  10. almost 14 years ago on Lisa Benson

    BrianCrook you kind of scare me. Do you really, really think the media is biased to the right? Ok, so FoxNews, and…..and….? I’m running out of other media outlets to name.

    We don’t cover up our scandals. We voters generally throw republican criminals out of office, or they resign. Interesting you mention Barney Frank though, the guy who had a prostitution ring running from his house. I’m sure he would have been MUCH better than Scott Brown.