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  1. almost 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    Personally, I’m tired pf paying for everyone else’s everything. I pay my own insurance because I choose to have it and I’ll be damned if I’m going to willingly pay for yours or anyone else’s because they don’t want to. Can’t afford it is not an excuse- I can’t afford it either, but with a family and another child on the way I can’t afford NOT to have it. It’s not about party lines – it’s about believing we should be a Socialist country (which is the Liberal point of view when you open your eyes and see what they want) or believing we should be a free Republic. Socialized medicine is NOT good health care- don;t believe the politics actually talk to people who live in the countries that have it. Canadians I know personally HATE it. If our health care system was so bad, why were so many people coming here for treatments and procedures from the rest of the world??? Oh wait- because they weren’t paying for it- the government was.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    Incidentally- Being From MASS – Romney care works, unlike Obama care. The problem most MA residents I know see with Romney care is the same problem we have with Romney- they stopped short of the goal. Romney should have completed one more term and this state would be a world different and better instead of this buffoon we somehow reelected in Nov. Romney care was supposed to be extended to the point of DENYING CARE to those who were not entitled to it- no residence, no legal status, no paid health ins was supposed to mean no health care. Romney care was to identify the illegals – not paying taxes means not able to get govt health ins. for example.We have an epidemic in this state of illegals (Brazillians mostly with a spreading Mexican population) just like Cali does- the difference is we know it’s a problem and WE want to do something about it besides fund them even if our state legislators do not. Emergency rooms across the state have had to set up walk in clinics for these Illegals because they go to the ER when they need care instead of finding a clinic. The local hospital has had to shrink the ER by a third to accommodate the Illegals as walkins. No legal citizenship and no paid health care should mean no care like other countries of the world.

  3. almost 13 years ago on Tony Auth

    I love that idea- Tax the rich… take money away from the people who worked hard and earned it (who did the right thing) and give it to the lazy and undeserving. Tell you what- trim the government, deport illegals, secure the borders, and eliminate Welfare THEN we’ll talk about honestly taxing the rich more. When you eliminate the cesspools of where the money goes so we’re not just throwing good money after bad I, and many more Americans regardless of political affiliations, will be much more in favor of it.

  4. almost 13 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    Yup, exactly why the overwhelming majority of scientists now agree that they were wrong on the Global Warming issue and that they do not have sufficient data to make the case for global warming. The smart ones were saying that all along but no one wanted to listen….Urban sprawl in 3rd world countries does more damage to the environment than the the US does by simply removing the ecosystem for civilization to grow.