Jeff Danziger for May 02, 2015

  1. Computerhead
    Spyderred  about 9 years ago

    He’s the only one in the whole “I wanna be president” crowd who actually cares about the people of this country and has programs to reduce income inequality, protect the social safety net and health care, etc.

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    lonecat  about 9 years ago

    He’s not running because he thinks he can win, but he hopes to change the conversation.

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    kaffekup   about 9 years ago

    Being a socialist is not the same as having lies told about you. It’s a legitimate polical/economic philosophy. Not that the mudslinging GOP cares about honesty.

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  4. Rick o shay
    wiatr  about 9 years ago

    I’m just glad for the available choices expanding, at least not to the extent of the opposition. Then it gets farcical, somewhat like the candidates.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    I like Bernie on most points, far better than Hilllary, and it’s good to see him at least step up to the mike and get an “alternative” word out. Which, with the Republican side they’re playing “whack a mole” where the only difference between the options is which one has been hit in the head the most…

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    benbrilling  about 9 years ago

    Bernie looks like more fun!

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Bush proclaimed his allegiance to democracy’s high ideals and then proceeded to invade a country that hadn’t done anything to us.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 9 years ago

    Max Cleland was a war hero and Rove & Co. still lied about him.

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    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    The only thing that is going to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming the next president of the USA, is her health, and that is unlikely to change much between now and the start of 2017. However, I am indeed glad that she will have this kind of competition, it will influence not only the dialog now, but possibly even the aims of her presidency!

    Heck, she could do worse than to select a former opponent such as Bernie Sanders as a running mate for the vice presidency. The only decent thing that Dick Cheney did was to show that an active vice president can actually have a real influence on a presidency. So, her selection for that important post is going to be one of the most important of her entire career!

    I have what I personally think is a reasonable idea for the federal government, but I know I will be castigated for it by both political spectrums here (especially the ultra conservatives as usual). I would like to see Hillarie’s so called coat tails pull in a totally Democrat federal government for the four years from 2017 to 2020. And then, if most Americans feel that they are better off with a highly progressive federal government, Then that government can be re-elected again, and again until most American feel negative. At that point, perhaps a total change over to a highly conservative federal government would be in order. If that then also fails, then perhaps a total revolution at the ballot box on both political parties and extremes by the greater and more moderate middle?

    I know that many here would then say this would be a disaster, but I at least have enough faith in the common people of this country to believe that the momentum of the federal government is great enough that either extreme would not be able to make enough changes to destroy the USA that we all admire and even love. And such a government might even (as did the New Deal of FDR) actually get something done for a change, such as putting millions of unemployed Americans at work on our very failing infrastructure. Good Heavens, imagine it, an actually active Congress that would (in concert with, instead of automatic opposition to an active president) even try to get things done for a change. What a concept!!

    I am more than happy with opposition to such a radical idea, but pleas try to remain civil and not vilify the messenger. Especially, the ultra conservative right wing posters here. That would very nice indeed. And so, I wish you all A very Good Day, regardless of your political slants!!

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    leweclectic  about 9 years ago

    Ah churchillwasright you’re a deadman, but then…in the end we all are.

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    twclix  about 9 years ago

    You know, Churhill wasn’t right. He was really an odious character who personified all sorts of nasty English racial and class beliefs. Look it up. Ask a few of the subjugated people how they feel about the guy. He had a stubborn tenacity, of course, which is admirable. And, this tenacity was a god send to England during the war. But the man’s political philosophy was thoroughly corrupt and base. Check it out.

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    hippogriff  about 9 years ago

    churchillwasright: Socialist doesn’t fly as a slander any more, with the solvent nations of Europe having or recently had socialist governments. It certainly doesn’t scare me, as I have lived under socialism (Barrett government, 1970s, British Columbia) and had a higher standard of living and more personal freedom than ever before or since. I am no socialist but a Green (main difference grassroots up rather than the unworkable trickle down). Of course, his campaign will get the same treatment as Greens – total corporate media censorship.

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 9 years ago

    George Will, ultimate “lefty”, correct, has a column today pointing out relative to the Lusitania incident just bloodthirsty and manipulative Churchill was to get us into WW I. His thoughts about WW II and getting the U.S. in weren’t much different. But we aren’t supposed to note instigator/warmonger “darker sides”.

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    frodo1008  about 9 years ago

    Any government that even endeavors to control in any way human affairs, even for the direct benefit of those very human beings, is by the definition of the ultra conservatives such as yourself here, a socialist government. And that means that in the entire history of the USA, our government has been by such a definition, a socialist government!!

    And, bye the way, Sir Winston Churchill was indeed one of the greatest men of the last century. And even though he was a relative conservative, he would not have liked the kind of people that are the ultra conservatives here. He was what I would call a thinking conservative, and would even agree with certain liberal policies where they actually benefited the majority of the British people. So, even though you use his name in your moniker, please do not think that you speak in his name.

    It is not always the actual conservative policies that I disagree with myself, it is almost always the tone of the posts of the ultra conservatives that I object to, and I would like to think, so would he. Especially, as no man (with the possible American exceptions of Abraham Lincoln, and both Teddy and Franklin Delano Roosevelt) was ever to use the English language anywhere nearly as well as he!!

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