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Durak Premium

Просто сказать что я дурак. Век живи, век учи. Будте добры!

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    Good point. What do you suggest instead? Wet t-shirt contest? Mud wrasslin’? Piracy?

    Avast! Yarrrr!

  2. about 2 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    Yes. Nada.

  3. about 2 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Leadership requires followers. He tells Congress what needs to be done. Congress works it out and passes legislation. Then the president follows their instructions and gets to work.

  4. about 4 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    Did you actually go to their site and read their press release?

    You think that Scouting was damaged. Huh.

    Do you know WHY all those gay boys and men insisted on coming out of the closet? Because the Boy Scouts taught them to be honest in word and deed. Not to live a life of deception.

    I am PROUD of those gay Scouts and leaders who said, “We are Scouts. We cannot live a lie. YOU taught us that!”

    Yes, Scouting took a hit. But at least it was an HONEST hit. They’ll bounce back. The name change is a step forward, recognizing that it isn’t 1910 any more.

    Yeah, the Girl Scouts are doing fine. But they don’t fit ALL girls now, do they? Now they have options. The same options that the boys have. Good for them!

    This is my belief, not my political viewpoint. I don’t like an liars and I don’t like an organization which makes people lie. That’s how the Scouts USED to be. Now they don’t need to lie.

    I’m pretty sure you used to have some kind of clearance. Part of the reason for lifting the gay/lesbian ban in the military was so that gays with clearances did not have to compromise themselves to get a clearance.

    It’s like Trump. And Clinton. If they’d have just said, “Yeah, I had sex with her” no one should care. But no, they got to hide it, cover it up. Make illegal payments to porn stars. Both men were just too stupid to be president without compromising themselves.

  5. about 4 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Look at you and me, agreeing.

    And you forgot to add,AGAIN

  6. about 4 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    Sure. So could Congress. It’s not ALL on him, you know. He can only work with what Congress gives him. If they fail to allocate sufficient resources, that’s on THEM. That’s how it works.

  7. about 11 hours ago on Prickly City

    My dog gets hit by a car and is suffering, yes, I shoot it.

    My dog disobeys me, no, I do not shoot it. I am the human, the failure is mine.

    She didn’t shoot this dog for any other reason but anger and spite.

    She is a sick woman and needs help. She should be evaluated to see if she is safe to be allowed to own a gun. She needs to be supervised around animals and children until she is deemed rational.

    Currently she is unfit for office.

  8. about 11 hours ago on Prickly City

    It is a powerful image.

  9. about 12 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    Cohen was smart enough to keep records that back him up. What does Donald have? Nada.

  10. about 12 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    US military aid comes with many conditions and restrictions. We do not just give it away and say, “Hey, there you go! Go kill bad people!”

    In order to get the aid they have to agree to our conditions. Like, “Don’t use weapons on civilians! If you do we will HALT your aid.”

    If they do violate the conditions it is the president’s RESPONSIBILITY to halt shipments until they come into compliance.

    Biden is just doing his job. Let him do it.